Thursday, March 18, 2010


WEEK 1 18TH-23 - CAVE ART ANIMATION IN AFTER EFFECTS SHOULD BE DONE OR ALMOST DONE AND INTO FINE CUT WRITE ON AFTER EFFECTS all translations on top of the images of bathroom graffiti to reveal the ancient meanings. Choose the best Dr. Hudson phrases and Dr. Penton phrases to animate.

Week 2 Tuesday 23rd 25th Thursday- Done with translations and working on slide projector effect - consult em johnston or Dustin Kline. Animate Dr. Pentons face and Animate the bathroom with sun

Week 3 - Movement through cave to room saturated in ancient and modern cave art with disco ball sun. Corresponding light flashing in cave from disco ball. Camera movement through cave ending with disco ball finale.

Week 4 Continue working on the cave movement. Fine tune everything.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Treatment for Latrinalia Cave Art:
I'm doing a bathroom graffiti documentary for my senior seminar and now I am editing it in Advanced Editing. It is going to be SICKKKK YO.
It is a three part "triptic" The third part is comparing bathroom graffiti to cave art. I think the parallels are pretty strong. By using animation to animate the still photos I have that are cave like I hope to elucidate the comparison. I will be animating hand prints coming up from the wall of bluepost bar and then showing ancient hand depictions in caves. I'll animate real pictures from modern bathrooms moving across watercolor caves that I have painted. The final project will be 3 minutes with at least 2 minutes of straight animation. Also, I'll be doing a stop motion title sequence with still pictures of bathroom walls. I have printed at least 300 pictures of bathroom walls and I will stop motion the pictures across the walls and rhythmically edit the pictures building up in the stall and then disappearing on the final beat of the film.
So all in all I will be using 3 types of animation.
stop motion
and after effects

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi I'm making a bathroom graffiti experimental doc that in part compares bathroom graffiti to cave art. I am going to animate pictures of graffiti that I have found and moved them across the cave watercolors that I have created below. I have video of a bathroom stall and the right stall is cave-like and the left stall depicts modern pieces of bathroom graffiti.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010